
April 28, 2018

New Raid: Antorus LFR wing 1

As our guild has been struggling for regular raiders in the past few months the raid leaders didn't arrange a run when the new raid Antorus, The Burning Throne which came out with patch 7.3. The following week LFR Wing 1: Light's Breach was released and I decided to give it a go as a frost DK to have a look.

Now LFR is usually easy with some mechanics excluded that are in the normal raid but also, due to the pug nature of it, can be frustrating if there are simple tactics people should be able to but just can't seem to avoid such as 'don't stand in the fire'.

1 - Garothi Worldbreaker
Garothi Worldbreaker is a gigantic fel reaver with two main abilities, Annihilation and Decimation, and is a single phase encounter.  If you are targeted with Decimation move away from the group to drop your circle and then move away from the circle before it explodes.  With Annihilation he drops circles on the floor which should be soaked to reduce raid wide damage, melee soak the pool near melee. At 60% and 20% he will activate Apocalypse Drive and become unattackable but expose his weapon platforms.  Attack one of the weapons, Annihilation at 60% and Decimation at 20%, to interrupt the cast.  After you destroy a weapon he willl no longer use that ability but it will empower the other ability.  He will then cast Eradication which deals lethal raid wide damage reducing with distance.  Everyone, except 1 tank, should move far from the boss to the back if the room.  Healers use raid wide damage reductions and healing cool downs here.  After the second weapon is destroyed stack and nuke the boss.  Tanks need to switch with Fel Bombardment.  When afflicted with this the tank should run away from the boss to avoid incoming missiles.  One tank must always be in melee range of the boss to prevent Carnage, massive raid wide damage.  During Eradication this tank should use active mitigation and healers be aware.

2 - Felhounds of Sargeras
The felhounds are fire hound F'harg and shadow hound Shatug.  This is a single phase encounter and the hounds share a health pool.  Tanks should keep them 40 yards apart from each other and face them away from the raid.  The hounds will cast Burning/Corrupting Maw on the tanks which deal a large burst of magic damage.  Tanks need to use mitigation for this and healers be aware.  The hounds have energy bars and cast abilities at 33% and 100%. At 33% F'harg will cast Desolate Gaze and deal damage in a line towards several marked players.  If targetted move away and make sure nobody is between you and F'harg.  At 33% Shatug will cast Consuming Sphere.  This orb will target a ranged player and drag other players towards it, run against the pull of the orb.  At 100% both hounds will cast raid wide damage, healers be aware, but there is no need in LFR to move for these. In other raid levels though you should stack for Siphon Corruption (Shatug) and move away from the raid if targetted by Enflame Corruption (F'harg).  Melee dps should attack Shatug.

3 - Antoran High Command
This encounter has three bosses, Admiral Svirax, Chief Engineer Ishkar and General Erodus, with a shared health pool.  The bosses are only attacked one at a time, swapping every 90 seconds in the order above, while the other two attack the raid from their command pods.  While out of their pods the bosses have one ability, Exploit Weakness, a cone attack which applies a damage increase debuff.  Tanks should face the active boss away from the raid and swap on two stacks.  
While the bosses are in their pods they have one shared ability, Chaos Pulse, and one unique ability. Chaos Pulse deals a small amount of damage and applies a damage taken debuff to two random players this can largely be ignored but near the end of the fight may need to be dispelled.  The unique abilities of the bosses are:
Admiral Svirax - Fusillade - this will charge up and then do raid wide damage which is ok to start with but increases by 25% with each cast.  This acts as a soft enrage as the damage will keep increasing until it is unmanageable to heal through.
Chief Engineer Ishkar - Entropic Mines - 5 mines will spawn around a random ranged player.  When detonated they deal damage and apply a raid wide dot.  After 3.45 seconds they will explode by themselves applying the dot.  One player should be assigned to run over the mines and detonate them in a controlled manner making sure the dot doesn't stack higher than 3.  Everyone else should avoid them.
General Erodus - Summon Reinforcements -  this will spawn 3 adds that should be tanked.  One Fanatical Pyromancer which should be priority and interrupted when he casts Pyroblast and two Felblade Shocktroopers who will at times charge and Bladestorm a ranged player. 
The pod of the active boss can be hijacked and its abilities used to help the raid.  When hijacked the pods have the shared ability, Chaos Pulse a single target damage increase debuff which should be kept up on the active boss at all times, and a unique ability.
The unique abilities are:
Admiral Svirax - Withered Fire - a targeted spell that creates a large targeted zone which will detonate a few seconds later damaging all adds it hits and applying a 25% damage increase debuff.  This should be placed on as many adds as possible aiming for the Fanatical Pyromancer as the other adds charge frequently.
Chief Engineer Ishkar - Felshield Emitter - this can be placed and used by any raid member to place a shield which will mitigate some of the damage from Admiral Sviraz's ability Fusillade for 50% of the people under it.
General Erodus - Summon Disruptor Beacon - this can be placed anywhere in the room and interrupts adds spellcasting and reduces their movement speed.  The beacon will also destroy Entropic Mines within 12 yards and should be used to clear these as a priority.

To be continued... (New Raid: Antorus LFR wing 2)

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