
July 22, 2018

Desolace Centaur Clan Rep Bug!

Since patch 8.0 came out it has been discovered that two reputations, which previously had been no longer obtainable due to removal of quests, were suddenly available again.  This may be due to a bug but, it's the most 110's anyone has ever seen in Desolace.

The reputations are for the two Centaur Clans in Desolace Gelkis Clan Centaur (currently hated) and Magram Clan Centaur (currently friendly).
To gain exalted reputation with both of these factions you need to complete a small quest chain.  If you have previously completed all the quests in Desolace, e.g. for Loremaster, the quest to start this chain is from an item, Maraudine Prisoner Manifest, which drops from Maraudine Mauler's outside Maraudon.  I got this item on my first kill.  This item starts the following quest.

Q - Behind Closed Doors - You are to find Kherrah somewhere behind the doors of Maraudon.  You have discovered the location of Khan Shodo's daughter, Kherrah.  She is being held behind the doors of Maraudon!  The rescue attempt is certain to be risky, but if you seek the Gelkis Clan's cooperation, you must free the Khan's daughter. 
Enter the gates of Maraudon and go down the stairs, round the corner and down the corridor and you will find Kherrah locked in a cage.  Free her.

Kherrah Q - Time for Change - Kherrah wants you to speak with Khan Leh'Prah. 
After you explain the recent events to Kherrah, she agrees the time for ancient grudges is over and wants you to speak with Khan Leh'Prah while she returns to her father to convince him to join the cause, we have her word he will comply. Khan Leh'Prah is located in Shok'Thokar to the south east of Desolace.

Khan Leh'Prah Q - Into the Fray! - Khan Leh'Prah wants you to defeat 15 Burning Blade Warlocks, 3 Doomguard Invaders and Priestess Than'darissa.
Speak to him to ride into battle.  For generations the centaur clans have fought against one another. Because of you they stand together fighting a common foe.  You have earned the right to fight alongside them.
When you speak to him to ride into battle you get a centaur to ride and 4 allies as well as some action buttons.  Button 1 is an attack (throw), button 2 is to send your allies into battle (attack order), button 3 is to summon them back (return order) and button 4 is to request healing (request heal).  If your allies die use button 6 to call for reinforcements.

FU Q - Death of Agogridon - Defeat Agogridon.  We can defeat the will of this demon army by bringing down the one who leads them.
Agogridon is in Shadowbreak Ravine, follow the path right to the top to find him. Once you have defeated him, hand the quest into Khan Leh'Prah.  For me the quest bugged a little and I couldn't see Khan Leh'Prah to hand the quest into.  Then the server shut down for a restart, but when I relogged I killed Agogridon again and the quest hand in appeared.
"Agogridon is no more.  The demons shall never again take hold of our lands!"
In handing in this quest you get enough rep to become exalted with both clans. (I got 73060 rep for Gelkis Clan and 38520 for Magram Clan)
And you also get this weapon, Kolkar Cleaver, as a reward.

It can’t be confirmed how long these quests will be around to get this rep, so get it while you can.

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