In Legion there was a big change with PVP with the introduction of
Honor Talents and
Prestige levels. As a player gains honor they move up through the honor levels gaining access to more talents every few levels.
Shaman Honor Talents showing the honor level they become available |
On reaching honor level 50 originally a player could choose to reset their honor back to 0 and gain a Prestige level but, this also reset the talents and was changed in patch 7.1 because players complained, saying what would be the point of gaining the Prestige levels and resetting their honor if it gave them a disadvantage in PVP because they lost the extra talents. Since then Prestige levels increase automatically and the talents are not reset. The Prestige levels have various rewards including mounts, toys, pets, an artifact weapon and titles. (See upcoming post
Legion PVP: Prestige level 1-5).
Players can gain honor the usual way through areans and battlegrounds but there are also some PVP world quests that reward honor making it easier to gain the Prestige levels for non PVP players like me. (See upcoming post Legion PVP: World Quests).
There is also a PVP based reputation with the Talon's Vengeance. You can only gain access to this reputation after completing one of the Falcosaur quest chains, and then gaining the reputation is quite difficult, and comes from collected tokens gained from killing players. (See upcoming post Legion PVP: Talon's Vengeance).
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