
March 30, 2018

Micro Holiday: Trial of Style (Mar 5 - Mar 8 2018)

Trial of style is back.  In this micro holiday you enter a scenario with 5 other random players where you have 2 minutes to create a transmog outfit based on a given theme.
First Place 'Battle Ready'
You then strut on stage showing off your outfit while you each vote on whose outfit is the best.  You are rewarded with trial of style tokens which can be used to buy special transmog sets, some of which are recolours of classic armour sets.

This is a really fun micro holiday it can be funny to try and think of outfits to fit the themes, a bit of a laugh although I am sure sometimes my outfit should have won when it didn't :)

During the event I wanted to collect enough tokens to collect each type of armour set.  My main character a DK (plate armour) has a large amount of transmog gear to choose from while my other characters, which I have not played anywhere near as much, a Mage (cloth armour), a Druid (leather armour) and a Shaman (mail armour), have a much more limited choice.

My DK already had enough tokens left over from the last Trial of Style to buy the armour sets but I did a couple of rounds just for the lols.
My Druid, Coeden, had limited armour to choose from but did manage a third place in Summer Style and second place in Make Me Laugh.
My Mage, Eageroo, managed two second place in Flirty And Sexy and Championship Of The Light.  She also got first place in Make Me Laugh.
My Shaman, Toetap, also got first place in the Battle Ready theme and a second place in Tabard Time.

I really enjoy this micro holiday and look forward to when it returns again :)

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