
April 8, 2018

Legion Pet Battles: WQ - My Beast's Bidding

This pet battle is located in Stormheim near Morheim and is against Robert Craig.  Robert Craig is one of the Battle Masters on the Broken Isles which you need to defeat with three pets of each single pet family for the Family Familiar achievement.
Talk to Robert Craig to start the fight.  He says  "these beasts do my bidding! You don't stand a chance".  Robert fights with three beast pets:
Thrugtusk - good against critter/undead and poor against flying/humanoid.
Wumpas - good against elementals/critters and poor against magic/flying.
Baeloth - good against critter and poor against flying.
NOTE: The first hit of each of these pets is a stun (Thrugtusk Horn Attack, Wumpas Headbutt and Baeloth Crystal Prison).

The team I use for this is:
           Snowfeather Hatchling (1, 1, 1)
           Luyu Moth (2, 1, 2)
           Albatross Chick (1, 2, 2)

Battle: start with the Snowfeather Hatchling with (1) Swarm, (3) Predatory Strike and then (1) Swarm until the falcosaur is dead.  Bring in the Luyu Moth and use (3) Moth Dust on cooldown, use (1) Alpha Strike as filler and (2) Cocoon Strike to block stuns.  If the moth dies bring in the Albatross Chick and use (1) Slicing Wind as filler and (3) Lift-Off to block stuns.

Falcosaur Hatchling: I used a Snowfeather Hatchling for this pet battle, but you can easily swap for another falcosaur as they all have Swarm and Predatory Strike.  Swap out the falcosaur when it gets low on health, the enemy pets do not have any AOE attacks.

Family Familiar: here are some of the pets I used towards this achievement. 
Critter - Nibbles (2,1,1), Arctic Hare (2,2,2), Borean Marmot (1,1,1) - phase shift, howl on cool down, bite filler, Hare dodge, stun if possible. Note: Baeloth hits hard v critters.
Beast - Ash Viper (1,1,1), Baby Ape (1,1,2), Temple Snake (1,1,1) - burrow, hiss, bite x3, burrow. Ape barrel, roar, barrel x2, roar, barrel, smash. Snake burrow, hiss, bite x3. 
Dragonkin  - Wild Crimson Hatchling (1,1,1), Nexus Whelpling (1,2,2), Chrominus (1,1,2) - lift off, breath x2, heal, breath x2. Nexus arcane storm, mana surge, tail sweep filler, Chrominus howl, bite, surge. 
Aquatic - Emperor Crab (1,2,1), Fen Crab (1,2,2), Magical Crawdad (2,1,2) - shell shield, snap, wave to heal, rip, blood in the water, shell shield, surge to end. 
Humanoid - Murkidan (1,1,2), Anubisath Idol (2,2,1), Grumpling (2,1,1) - murkmorphosis, fel immolate, shadow slash till dead. Stoneskin, demolish, deflect stuns. Grumpling gift. 
Elemental - Crazy Carrot (1,1,1), Tiny Twister (1,1,2), Core Hound Pup (2,1,2) - acid rain, blistering cold, jab filler. Twister call lightning, Slicing wind, flyby filler. Pup howl burrow. 
Mechanical - Iron Starlette (1,1,1), Cogblade Raptor (2,1,1), Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling (1,2,2) 
Flying - Snowfeather Hatchling (1,1,1), Luyu Moth (2,1,2), Albatross Chick (1,2,2) - see above. 
Undead - Fragment of Anger (1,1,2), Scourged Whelpling (2,2,1), Bone Serpent (1,2,1) - spirit spikes, spirit fire beam, spirit fire bolt filler . Whelp plagued blood, death and decay, tail sweep filler. Serpent call darkness, nocturnal strike.

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