
April 6, 2018

Ulduar Timewalking: Part #2

After completing the first four bosses in Part 1, The Siege of Ulduar we moved on to the next section.

PART 2 -The Antechamber of Ulduar

Boss 5: The Assembly of Iron
This is a three boss fight against Steelbreaker, Runemaster Molgeim and Stormcaller Brundir.  The three bosses are fought at the same time and as each one is killed the others are healed to 100% and gain a new ability.  The order the bosses are killed in is important because of the new abilities the bosses gain.  We fought the bosses in size order, biggest to smallest, this is the easiest option. Steelbreaker should be tanked by the main tank, off tank take the other two.  Interrupt Chain Lightening (Brundir) and Fusion Punch (Steelbreaker).  Spellsteal (mages) or dispell Shield of Runes (Molgeim).  Avoid Rune of Death (Morgeim) and stand in Rune of Power (Morgeim). Lightning Whirl (Brundir) can also be interrupted if you have spare interrupts or near the end of the fight.

Boss 6: Kologarn
Kologarn is a giant who guards the shattered walkway.  The tank must stay within melee range to prevent him casting Petrifying Breath.  Most groups will attack Kologarns body and cleave the arms but damage the right arm after Stone Grip to free players.  If either arm is destroyed he will lose 15% health for 30 seconds until the arm respawns but also spawn 5 Rubble adds which should be a priority as they cast Stone Nova which inflicts a 5% increased damage debuff for 10 seconds.

Boss 7: Auriaya
Auriaya was tough and we had a couple of wipes.  She seemed to do a huge amount of damage to whichever tank pulled.  In the end we fought with 3 tanks, our warrior changed to tank spec and pulled while the main tank then took the boss and the off tank (me) took two of the cats (Sanctum Sentries).  After the pull the fight is not so bad, prioritise the cats.  Stack for Sonic Screech and interrupt Sentinel Blast.  When the Feral Defender spawns off tank pick it up and burn it down quickly but be aware that it will drop a black pool (Seeping Feral Essence) where ever it dies, do not stand in the pool.

To be Continued.... (Ulduar Timewalking: Part #3)

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