
August 3, 2018

Violet Spellwing (mount)

I have finally got the Violet Spellwing thanks to a Twitch Streamer called Killakris TV who is helping lots of people get this mount and not asking for ridiculous high i-level, huge amounts of gold or the Ahead of the Curve achievement, just that people are patient and polite.  Thank you so much dude, it is great what you are doing to help people.  I must admit my DPS was dire during this kill although my tactics were good, I wasn't wiping people and I was interrupting.

The Violet Spellwing is a reward for killing the final raid boss in the Legion expansion, Argus the Unmaker, on heroic level.  Once he is defeated a trickle of his blood will congeal into a flawless gemstone which you must take to Khadgar in The Violet Citadel in Dalaran.  This starts the quest Blood of a Titan - Bring the blood of Argus the Unmaker to Khadgar in Dalaran, which rewards the mount.

Khadgar "The Legion is defeated, its master imprisoned, but in his final spiteful act, Sargeras may have doomed us all.  This mere drop of Argus' blood surges with incredible power.  The might of a titan.  Our world is wounded champion.  Its life essence seeps out into the sands... just as Magni foresaw.  If the blood of Azeroth also proves to be a source of such strength... those who seek to rule this world will stop at nothing to possess it.  The days ahead may be dark indeed.  For now... go to Silithus.  Gaze upon the wound of the world with your own eyes.  We will find a way to save Azeroth, I know it."

This is the end of the Legion story but then leads to the questline in Silithus  (See post Silithus: Artifact Power at max) and onto the Battle for Azeroth.

The Vilolet Spellwing mount will only be available until BfA is launched on 14th August.  Up until the launch of the pre-patch, killing this boss on heroic level also rewarded the Ahead of the Curve: Argus the Unmaker achievement, which is no longer available.  But, the mount still is for a few more weeks, so try and get it if you can.  

Thanks again to Killakris TV.

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