
November 4, 2018

Hallows End 2018

It is the return of the Headless Horseman with the holiday Hallows End running from 17-30 October.  There are many rewards from this holiday but new for 2018 is a toy Headless Horseman's Hearthstone which costs 150 Tricky Treats.
The only other thing I am missing from previous Hallows End holidays is the transmog Hat of the First Sister from the daily quest Under the Crooked Tree.  This quest is located just west of Bradenbrook in Val'sharah and you need to click the witches cauldron to enter the spirit realm and defeat Aria Sorrowheart.  In 2018 Aria is level 120.  She periodically casts Aria's Shriek which fears you if you do not interrupt it.
Previously this required two people but they may have extended the time between casts as I was able to interrupt all casts with Mind Freeze, which has a 15 second cooldown.  The reward from this quest is Hag's Belongings which contains Tricky Treats, wands and also has a chance to drop one of the four transmog witches hats, Hat of the First Sister, Hat of the Second Sister, Hat of the Third Sister and Hat of the Youngest Sister.  I dropped the Hat of the First Sister from my first bag completing my collection.

Many of the other pets and vanity items can be purchased from the holiday vendors with Tricky Treats.  The holiday vendors are located in the major cities near the Wickermen.  For Horde you can find Chub in the ruins of Lordaeron, make sure to turn it back to pre destruction by talking to Zidormi who is near where the zeppelin towers used to be.  For Alliance the vendor is Dorothy who is located just outside the front gate of Stormwind.

Tricky Treats can be collected from Handful of Treats from visiting all the pumpkins located in the inns of Azeroth, Outland, Northrend and Pandarian.  They also come from the daily quests by the Wickermen, the Hag's belongings reward from the daily Crooked Tree quest and the Loot-Filled Pumpkin reward from the daily dungeon, which also has a chance to reward the much sought after Headless Horseman's Reins mount.

Happy Halloween!!

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