
November 7, 2018

War of Thorns: Part #1 - Alliance

The Alliance and Horde have fought together against the The Burning Legion, but now they are defeated unrest and suspicion grows between them.  With the discovery of the powerful new mysterious substance, Azerite, both sides want to get the upper hand.  This is war and starts the pre-patch campaign War of Thorns.

The Alliance campaign starts when you are requested to report to King Anduin Wrynn in Stormwind Keep (1).

King Anduin Wrynn "It is with a heavy heart that I must ask you to put your life on the line for the Alliance once more. I have received a disturbing message from our operatives stationed in Orgrimmar."
Azerite has the potential to change the face of warfare.  The Warchief seeks to lay claim to it and has mobilised her army to march on Silithus.  Anduin asks you to report to Master Mathius Shaw for further instruction (2).  Mathias Shaw arrives at Stormwind Keep.  There is a report that the Horde want to gain control of Silithus and you will be sent there to oversee the Alliance presence with the Alliance fleet already on route.  But wait... the reports are wrong!  The Horde are attacking in Ashenvale.

With the fleet away the only defense for Ashenvale is the Darnassian City Guard.  Master Mathias Shaw tells you to report to Captain Delaryn Summermoon, Commander of the Darnassian City Guard, in Astranaar (3).  You use the portal in the courtyard to take you to Astranaar, and meet Captain Summermoon, but you arrive too late, Astranaar is burning and many have been killed.

Captain Delaryn Summermoon is visibly upset.  The outposts were taken by surprise, the guards were poisoned and not even the civilians were spared.  She asks you to honor the bodies of the fallen soldiers in Astranaar, their wisps deserve the light of Elune's blessing (4).  Some of the Forsaken Assassins are still around, hiding in the shadows.  If you find them give them what they deserve, even for the Horde this was a despicable attack (5).

The wisps sing with sorrow but also with purpose, Captain Summermoon hears a sound in the distance and sends you to find Malfurion (6).  Malfurion is in the Twilight Vale on the border between Ashenvale and Darkshore.  He has created a defensive barrier from the wisps to keep out the Horde.
Malfurion "You will come no further Banshee Queen!"
Sylvanas "There will be nowhere to run when we next meet, Malfurion!"

Malfurion tells you to pass through the wall as the wisps will not hurt you.
The wall will slow the Horde but it will not prevent their attack.  We must protect the ancients at all cost.  There are druids in the Twilight Vale hidden among the trees, find them and send them to the Grove of the Ancients (7).  But also watch out for the Frenzied Blackwood furblogs.  The unsettled mess has driven them mad and their madness is a threat to everyone, if you see them put them out of their misery before they endanger anyone else (8).

Captain Delaryn Summermoon "Malfurion!  Horde forces have gathered at the Zoram'gar Outpost.  The Banshee Queen seeks to capture the World Tree."
Malfurion "Delaryn, travel to our outposts.  Gather every soldier you can find and bring them here.  Sylvanas seeks to engage me and I plan to give her what she wants.  Word has been sent to our fleet.  Elune willing they will soon return."

Make your way with Captain Delaryn Summermoon to the Grove of the Ancients where a Monstrous Shredder is on the rampage.  Stop this thing before it destroys the Grove of the Ancients (9).
The Shredder is destroyed.

The ancient Onu can hear the crying of the Furblogs and asks you to find and help them within the Blackwood Den.  Make your way there with Captain Summermoon.  The Horde are attacking the Blackwood Den using large demolishes.  You rescue Elder Brolg, Gren Tornfur and Elder Brownpaw (10). Captain Delaryn Summermoon also suggests that if you can sabotage a few Horde Demolishers that could mean dozens of lives saved.  You place bombs on them and blow them up (11).
Captain Delaryn Summermoon "We have done what we can here.  The Horde... there are so many of them..."

You return to Onu in the Grove of the Ancients but he is in pain, "Onu bellows in pain".  He senses a powerful force in our midst, it comes from the earth itself.  Go to the water's edge to Nazj'vel, which is just off the south west coast of Darkshore (12).  There is a glow from this place, caused by the Azerite.  It is hurting Onu and the Horde seem eager to collect it for themselves.
Captain Delaryn Summermoon tells you to collect the Azerite for the Alliance (13and kill any Horde soldiers.  The Horde must not be allowed to get their hands on this Azerite (14).

A battle has begun and the Alliance need more forces.  Find Malfurion at the Wildbend River (15). You follow the path north until you get to the river where the battle is taking place.  You join the battle fighting alongside the ancients to slay the Horde forces (16).  But the horde are too many, it is time to regroup.

Travel to Darnassus to meet with Malfurion and Captain Delaryn (17).  The Alliance forces are gathering in Darnassus.  Captain Summermoon asks you to rally them (18).  You go around Darnassus and rally the Priestesses of the Moon, the Druids of the Claw and the Kaldorei forces. They are ready for battle. You return to the dock in Rut'theran village to speak with Malfurion.

Malfurion "Our fleet has returned from Silithus.  King Anduin will send soldiers to aid us.  We must hold our ground until they arrive."
Captain Delaryn Summermoon "May our will be stronger than their war machines."
Malfurion "A war is not won or lost in a single battle.  Our day will come."

After you have completed this part of the quest chain World Quests become available in Darkshore and these reward gear which is ilevel 210+.  Some people were disappointed that this gear is not a new design but just renamed armor.  For my druid the gear is identical to the Springrain gear I got from boosting,

Quest List
1- A Short lived Peace - Report to King Anduin Wrynn in Stormwind Keep.
2- The Horde Uprising - Report to Master Mathias Shaw for further instruction.
3- A Disturbance in Ashenvale - Report to Captain Delaryn Summermoon in Astranaar.
4- The Light of Elune - Honor the bodies of the fallen soldiers in Astranaar.
5- Knives of the Forsaken - Slay 8 Forsaken Assassins in Astranaar.
6- A Soft Glow - Find Malfurion in Ashenvale.
7- Hidden Amongst the Leaves - Find 8 hidden Druids of the Claw.
8- Mercy for the Mad - Slay 10 frenzied Blackwood Furblogs.
9- Garden Grove - Defeat the Monstrous Shredder.
10- Enraged Furblogs - Find those who cry for help within the Blackwood Den.
11- Elves in the Machine - Sabotage 5 Horde Demolishers in Blackwood Den.
12- The Wake of Something New - Find the source of Onu's pain.
13- Azerite Denial - Collect Azerite from 6 Azerite Deposits.
14- No Horde Allowed - Kill 10 Horde soldiers in Nazj'vel.
15- Malfurion Returns - Find Malfurion at the Wildbend River.
16- "Rock" the World - Join the Ancients to slay Horde enemies.
17- Long Away - Regroup with Malfurion and Delaryn at Darnassus.
18- A Looming Threat - Rally the kaldorei forces in Darnassus.

See Upcoming post... (War of Thorns: Part #1 - HordeWar of Thorns: Part #2 - Alliance.)

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