
January 25, 2019

Come Sail Away: Part #2

 Alliance War Campaign #2
After making your way to Kul Tiras with Jaina, you arrive infront of Lord Admiral Katherine Proudmoore but she disowns her daughter leaving you in the hands of Lady Ashvane.

You wake up in a jail cell barely clothed.
"Beware...beware the daughter of the sea...hmm...hmm"
You are sharing a cell with Flynn Fairwind, "heyyy, look who's finally awake, hope you had a nice nap.  You're gonna need your strength" and he has a plan to help you both escape.

Q - Out Like Flynn - escape Tol Dagor with Flynn. (Punch Flynn, Cell Block Lever pulled, Equipment recovered, Block Warden Carmine slain, Glittering Gunpowder, Cell Block Gate opened, Enter the Sewers, Board the Getaway Boat)

He explains that you are incarcerated in Tol Dagor which used to be a legit prison until it was bought by the Ashvane Trading Company and now it is Pricilla's own personal fortress.  Flynn had to bribe his way into this cell but don't worry he has a plan to escape.

First a distraction, you hit Flynn which alerts the guards and when they enter the cell.  Flynn jumps up and ambushes them.  You run out to the end of the corridor and hit the lever labelled 'ATTENTION IDIOTS.  DO NOT PULL!!', which opens all the cell doors freeing the prisoners. Next you need your clothes, click on the chest nearby as it contains your gear.  

Then now to escape. You need the key card from the Warden.
He is at the other end of the corridor but when you attack him he used a mysterious powder which explodes and destroys the card.
Flynn Fairwind "Damn!  The keys are ruined.  That was some serious firepower!  Just what kind of powder is this?  Hey, help me grab some of this stuff."
The powder is powerful, grab a sample and make your way to the gate.  Without the key card you use the powder to blow the gate and go down the stairs into the sewer.  Ahead the grate is blocked.
Flynn Fairwind "guess we're not going out that way, lets try the other side".  
Go past the crocodiles and down the pipe. Watch out for the rats and follow the tunnel to the end.

At the exit there is an Ashvane Jailer blocking the way.
"YOU!  STOP RIGHT THERE!, Wh-what?!  No!  Noooo!!"
He gets eaten by The Sand Queen, a ginormous krolusk.  You make your way left up the beach keeping close to the edge to avoid attracting any other attacks until you see a boat.
Flynn Fairwind "There she is!  Let's hop in."
Taelia "What is going on in there?  It sounds like you started a riot!"
Flynn Fairwind "No idea what you're talking about... But I think we finally have some real dirt on Ashvane.  A new gunpowder, like nothing I've ever seen.  OH, and I rescued the target, of course.  Crime-buddy, Taelia, Taelia, crime-buddy."
Taelia "Wait... I recognize you... You arrived with Jaina Proudmoore!  You're the Alliance emissary!"
Flynn Fairwind "Alliance emissary?!  Cyrus didn't mention that... I would have charged him double!"
Taelia "You're lucky he's paying you at all.  Now row!"

The boat driven by Taelia arrives back at Boralus Harbour.
Taelia "Here we are, Boralus Harbor.  Aside from Proudmoore Keep, it's the most heavily guarded part of the city and the only place most visitors ever get to see.   Looks like another Alliance ship has already docked.  Hopefully they got a warmer welcome than Jaine did..."

Q - Get Your Bearings - visit the Ferry Dock, the Snug Harbor inn, the Tradewinds Counting House and the Flight Master in Tradewinds Market.
You are just another person in Boralus, free to roam around.  Taelia will show you where to go to visit the places mentioned.  Once you get your bearings, Taelia says you should meet the Harbormaster himself, Cyrus Crestfall.

Q - The Old Knight - meet with Cyrus Crestfall. (Enter the Harbormaster's office, Speak with Cyrus Crestfall)
As you make your way to the harbourmasters office you come across some guards who are arresting Genn Greymane.  Cyrus arrives.
Cyrus Crestfall "what's happening?  Stand down!  Don't you know who that is?  Taelia!  Prepare a full briefing for our guests."
Cyrus stops them and he invites Greymane to his office saying it is a honor to meet him.
You shake Cyrus' hand.
Cyrus Crestfall "Kul Tiras still bears the scars of the Third War.  No one feels this more deeply than Katherine Proudmoore.  But she is misguided.  Her advisors have kept her blind to the infection that has spread throughout our kingdom.  The land I love is falling about... so I'm asking for your help.  Kul Tiras needs the Alliance just as badly as you need us".
Genn Greymane "I see.  Then we shall prove to Katherine Proudmoore the same truth that I learned at great cost... in unity, there is strength."

After completing this there are then a few quests which give you some useful things.
Taelia Q - Sanctum of the Sages - speak with a 7th Legion Mage in the Sanctum of the Sages.  When you speak with her she will open some portals to Ironforge, Stormwind and Exodar.
Cyrus Crestfall Q - Ferry Pass - speak with Cyrus Crestfall and receive the Ferry Pass.  Talking to Cyrus will get you the ferry pass opening up ferry routes around Kul Tiras.

Finally the scouting map where you start your missions on Kul Tiras.
Taelia Q - A Nation Divided - inspect the scouting map in the Harbormaster's Office.  On the scouting map you can choose which zone in Kul Tiras you would like to quest in first from Tiragarde Sound, Drustvar and Stormsong Valley.

You receive the achievement: Come Sail Away - complete the introduction to Kul Tiras.

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