
January 17, 2019

Good Pet Day

Having been trying for quite some time to complete the achievement Raiding with Leashes V: Cuteaclysm - collect all the battle pets listed below from Bastion of Twilight, Blackwing Descent, Throne of the Four Winds, Firelands and Dragon Soul.  I had given up for a while, and today I decided to try again.  I had 7 out of the 15 pets still outstanding.

So first up a trip to Dragon Soul when so far, none of the pets had dropped for me.  As these are old raids and there is very little danger to me as a level 120 Blood DK, I decided, following a comment on WOWhead, to wear the Talisman of True Treasure Tracking for good luck.  I am not sure if this made a difference, if the drop rates have increased or if I was just extremely lucky but today was a good pet day.

Dragon Soul

After killing Morchok and Warlord Zon'ozz I went to Yor'sahj the Unsleeping and was really surprised to see the Puddle of Black Liquid (Faceless Mindlasher pet) drop.  I continued to the Spine of Deathwing which now it does 0 damage was very easy and the Elementium Back Plate (Corrupted Blood pet) also dropped.  I didn't have high expectations against Deathwing but with also the possibility of a mount went for the kill, and was really pleased to see the Severed Tentacle (Unstable Tendril pet) drop too.  All three drops from one run was amazing.

Blackwing Descent
First to kill Magmaw and then try for the first pet I needed from the Omnotron Defense System.  After my success in Dragon Soul I was a little disappointed not to get the pet.  The other one I needed here was from the last boss Nefarian I started the fight and got the drop, Shadowy Pile of Bones (Rattlejaw pet).

Bastion of Twilight
I already have all the pets from this raid so had no need to run this again today. 

Throne of Four Winds
In Throne of Four Winds I had already got several Zephyrian Prince pets but never dropped Drafty (or the Drake of the South Wind mount).  First boss down and I got the drop, third of this pet.  Final boss, Nezir and Breezy Essence (Drafty pet) dropped but unfortunately not the mount :)

In Firelands I have been quite successful in the past but there was 1 pet which has evaded me, the Blazehound which drops from Shannox.  This time I felt positive with my earlier success but it was not to be.

A successful day with 5 pets looted in just 1 day with just 1 character.  Now I only have 2 left to get Tinytron from Magnatron, Blackwing Descent and Blazehound from Shannox, Firelands.

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