
January 19, 2019

Uuna's Story: Part #2 - A New Friend

After looting Uuna's Doll from the Many Faced Devourer, I was able to summon Uuna as a non combat battle pet, and can now follow her journey.
A New Friend: If you summon Uuna the ghost of Uuna will follow you around and  after a few minutes she will speak.
Uuna " Can anybody hear me?"

You need to communicate with her.  First /whistle to get her attention. (you whistle at Uuna)  
Uuna "Hello?  Who's there?  I heard you, Who are you?  Can you help me?  It's so dark!  I can't see a thing!"

Next /roar at her. (You roar with beastial vigor at Uuna. So fierce!)
Uuna "Ack!  A monster!  Help!  Help!"
Unfortunately she gets scared and runs away (she will despawn so make sure to summon her back).  

Next do /cry and she will also begin to cry. (You cry on Uuna's shoulder)
Uuna "Are you sad too?  Are you lost like me?  At least we're together now.  We just... don't know where we are.  But you're my friend, and I know it's gonna be okay.  I wish I could see better.  It's always so dark here!"

Now for a road trip.
Bright Lights: Take Uuna to Shattrath to see A'dal.  When she sees the bright light she will walk towards it.
Uuna "What's that?  A light in the darkness!  It's so bright... It's too bright!  Too bright!  Owww!"

But when she realises the light is too bright she runs away again (and despawns summon her back).

Wanna Be Friends: Bring Uuna to the moonlight at Lake Falathim in Ashenvale.  For horde take the flightpath from Orgrimmar to Hellscream's Watch and fly west.  Lake Falathim (18:41) is between Maestra's Post and Zoram'gar Outpost.  Uuna runs up to the stones.  The moonlight helps her to see.
Uuna "It's gotten a little brighter!  I can see... sorta, Oh, Hi!  Who are you?  I'm Uuna, wanna be friends?  Maybe together we can get outta this place.  I wish Nuu were here.  He'd know what to do."

Finding Nuu: Go on a mission to hunt for Nuu.  Nuu can be found on a floating island in Mac'Aree, Argus.  Take the portal in the Dalaran (Legion) flight area and once on the Vindicaar fly to Shadowguard Incursion and then go slightly south to The Twisting Nether (24:58).  Off the edge of the island you will see two small floating islands one quite close and one further away.
Using the goblin glider float to the first one and after waiting for the cooldown on your glider to reset, from the highest point glide over to the further away island.
Enter the house on the island and there you will find Nuu.  Nuu is a little blue bear which Uuna will carry from now on.
Uuna "Nuu-Nuu!  I was scared I'd never see you again!  How did you get here?  Nuu is here to help us, friend.  I knew you'd find us, Nuu!  I'll hold onto him so he doesn't get lost again."

Shooting Stars: Next stop on the road trip is Bloodmyst Isle.  For Horde this is quite tricky to get to.  First go to Darkshore and speak to Zidormi to revert to pre BfA then fly across the sea to Ruttheran Village in Teldrassil.  The dock on the far left as you fly in from the sea has a portal to Exodar, take it and then run through Azuremyst Isle and across the bridge to Bloodmyst Isle and on to Blood Watch.  Take her to the table near the house furthest right on the map which is just down the path from the flightmaster (56:56).  She will pick up a wand and carry it from now on in her right hand.
Uuna "I used to have a wand like that!  Lost it a long time ago.  It shoots stars! Bad guys really hate that."

Flower Crown: Next take Uuna to Shadowmoon Valley (Draenor).  Use the Garrison hearthstone and then fly to a little camp in Shadowmoon Valley (56:41).  Here Uuna will pick up a flower crown from a chair next to the fire.
Uuna "A Crown!  So pretty!  You can't fight the dark without a crown, friend.  It's the rules.  I feel a lot better now."

Uuna Gets Kidnapped: Suddenly void tendrils come up out of the ground and surround Uuna.
Uuna " It's dark again!  Where did you go?  Don't leave me!  No!  Let me go!  Help, friend!  HELP!"
Uuna disappears and when you try to resummon her it just says Uuna is missing!

Getting Marked: To rescue Uuna, first you need to speak to a spirit healer and to do that you need to die.  In order to die I removed my armor, flew up into the air and fell.  
Talk to the Spirit Healer and ask about Uuna.
"I'm looking for a little girl named Uuna, have you seen her?"
Spirit Healer "I have heard the cries of the child you speak of.  I shall mark you, that you may pass into this realm and seek her out.  She resides in a place where the barrier between the realms of life and death are thin, and spill over into your world.  Be warned, you have no power in this place, its denizens cannot be harmed by mortals.  Try as you might, you may not be able to aid your friend."

Shadow of a Tear:  
Next go to the Emerald Dragonshrine which is south east of Wyrmrest Temple in Dragonblight, Northrend.  In the eye of the skull east most in the shrine you will find the Shadow Tear, click on it to start the scenario to save Uuna. 

The scenario will enter you into A Dark Place.  In the distance you can see Uuna.  Walk towards her.  She is feeling alone and crying, /cheer at her. (You cheer at Uuna)
Uuna "Friend?  Is that you?  I won't give up, friend!  I promise!  I'm just so cold, and it's very dark here.  I don't know what to do!
Uuna is cold, put down a campfire next to her.
Uuna "There you are!  That's much better.  They're gonna be here, soon, friend.  I keep running and running... but they always find me.  But now you're here.  Together we can fight them!  I think... Promise you won't leave me, friend.  Even when it gets dark... They're here..."
Soul-Eaters appear and start to move towards Uuna.  Run into them to knock them back a bit but they keep on coming more and more getting closer and closer to her.  After a while they almost begin to overwhelm her.
Uuna "Friend?  Are you still there?  I'm scared!  I--I can't do it!  I just wanna go home!"  Uuna wraps her arms around herself and begins to cry.
Give Uuna a hug /hug. (You hug Uuna)
Uuna "F-friend, you're here!  You didn't leave me!  Mama told me the Light would always find me.  That's you, friend.  You're my light!  And as long as my light is with me, there's no way the darkness can win!  My light is super strong!"
Uuna "The darkness is gone!  I can see!  Oh, friend!  We did it!  We beat them!  What... what's happening?  The light... it's telling me to follow it... Mama! Papa!  They're waiting for me!  Wait a sec... There's so much I never got to do.  So many places I never got to see... Is it okay if I stay with my friend?  For just a little while longer?  Friend!  The light says I can stay!  Woo-hoo!  Tell Mama and Papa I miss them, and... and I'll see them soon!  Okay, friend, lets get outta here!  We have so many places to go!  
Uuna gives you a hug.

Uuna is now your non combat companion complete with Nuu, her sparkly wand and flower crown but there is more.  Uuna wants to see the world, there are so many things she never got to do and so many places she never got to go, so it is time for road trip part 2.

To be continued... (Uuna's Story: Part #3)

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