
June 20, 2018

Falcosaur: Snowfeather Hatchling Part #3

Quest 8: The Unfriendly Faction - When passing the other faction recently, your Snowfeather walked right up to them without fear.  It does not appear to understand that they are the enemy. Probably best to teach them before something bad happens.  Complete 3 PVP World Quests with your Snowfeather Hatchling out.
Everyday there are several PVP world quests available on the Broken Isles.  The easiest are the warden towers located one each in Val'Sharah, Highmountain and Stormheim.  These are the easiest as they not often contested.  The others are harder and there is a higher possibility of death.  Just make sure you have your Snowfeather out when you complete the quests and to re-summon it if you die.  
The hatchling emits a low hiss when you pass a member of the opposite faction.  Mission accomplished! It will need to rest after this adventure.

Quest 9: Snowfeather Bonding - Your Snowfeather Hatchling keeps getting into your pack and making a mess.  It squawks loudly whenever you remove it, and rams you with its head.  Maybe you can distract it with a tiny pack of its own.  Buy a Tiny Pack from Susana Averoy in Dalaran for your Snowfeather Hatchling.
Susana Averoy is on the second floor of the Glorious Goods shop to the right of the Dalaran fountain.
You feel a special bond form between you and you hatchling it will need time to recover from this adventure.

Quest 10: Hunting Lesson: Mudshell Conch - Your Snowfeather Hatchling has made friends with some of the other Flying pets.  The flock seems interested in hunting some of the snails of Highmountain.  Defeat 3 Mudshell Conch in Highmountain with your hatchling and 2 flying pets.
For this fight I used the Snowfeather and two level 25 moths, Amber Moth and Luyu Moth both with (2,1,2).  The Mudshell Conch is an aquatic pet and is joined by two random other pets.  Start with the Snowfeather and use (2) Squawk, followed by (1) Swarm and then (3) Predatory Strike.  As the snail has a shield Swarm will not really work again so use Squawk to defeat him.  Swap to either moth if the Snowfeather gets to lower than 500 health, to make sure he does not die.  With the Moth just use (3) Moth Dust on cooldown, (2) Cocoon Strike to mitigate any big attacks like Burrow or Whirlpool and (1) Alpha Strike as filler.  I only needed the Snowfeather and one moth to defeat this battle.
The hatchling looks more confident in its abilities.  It will need some time to recover from this adventure.

Quest 11: Teamwork Lesson: Naraxas - While victorious, your Snowfeather Hatchling squawked and pecked at its allies during some of those last fights.  Showing it a good example of teamwork might help.  Defeat Naraxas in Neltharion's Lair with your hatchling. 
Naraxas is the third boss in Neltharion's lair and he is a big worm.  Just make sure that you have summoned your Snowfeather before defeating him in this dungeon run.
The hatchling looks like it might have absorbed some of that lesson, at least it enjoyed the trip.  It will need to recover.

Quest 12: Hunting Lesson: Coralback Fiddler - Your Snowfeather Hatchling is particularly wary of the Elemental pets in your menagerie.  They will need to learn to work together if they are to get along.  Hunting together against the new prey it has begun stalking may just do the trick.  Defeat 3 Coralback Fiddlers in Highmountain with your hatchling and 2 elemental pets.
For this fight I used Snowfeather Hatchling (1,1,1), Cinder Kitten (1,2,1), Electrified Razortooth (1,2,2).  Coralback Fiddler is an aquatic pet that is joined by two random other pets.  Use Snowfeather with (1) Swarm, (3) Predatory Strike which should defeat the crab but if not use (2) Squawk.  Use Swarm against the second pet but swap in Cinder Kitten when the Snowfeather gets to less than 500 health.  With the Cinder Kitten use (2) Leap, (1) Claw and repeat but use (3) Prowl against any large attacks.  The third pet is not required.
The hatchling looks much more at ease around elementals now.  It will need some time to recover from this adventure.

To be continued... Falcosaur: Snowfeather Hatchling Part #4

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