
June 16, 2018

Ulduar Timewalking: Part #3

After completing the Antechamber of Ulduar in part 2, we moved on to the next section.

PART 3 -The Keepers of Ulduar
The Keepers of Ulduar are four bosses that have been forced to serve the will of Yogg-Saron, once you have defeated them and freed them from his control they can be asked to assist you in the final fight against him.

Boss 8: Hodir
When you enter the room there are 4-8 friendly NPCs enclosed in ice tombs free them as this will help with the fight.  Stay near Toasty Fire to avoid high stacks of Biting Cold another way to combat this is to continuously jump as it effects stationary targets.  Move out of the markers, circles, for Flash Freeze and then straight back onto of the mound of snow that drops to avoid getting frozen.

Boss 9: Thorim
For this boss split into two group, an arena group and a gauntlet group with a tank in each.  The arena group stays put and kills the adds as they spawn, prioritise Dark Rune Acolyte and try to interrupt Greater Heal, Runic Lightning and Runic Mending.  Stay spread to avoid multiple people getting hit with Deafening Thunder. The Gauntlet group pushes the lever and follows the corridor as fast as possible to the mini boss Runic Colossus.  Prioritise Dark Rune Acolyte and interrupt Greater Heal. After the mini boss tank pick up Iron Ring Guards and do not stand in the circles on the ground as they will stun you.  On reaching the end you will see Thorim, he will jump down into the arena.  Ranged and healers spread to avoid Chain Lightning hitting to many people but also avoid orbs on the walls as this is where the lightning will strike.  Tank swap immediately after Unbalanced Strike.

Boss 10: Freya
Freya is located in the conservatory, she used to be the protector of all living things but had become mad. There are also three Eldars in the conservatory, Eldar Brightleaf, Eldar Ironbranch and Eldar Stonebark. Before attacking Freya first kill them or they will all pull when she is pulled.  During the fight Freya will Summom Allies of Nature.  There are  three types of allies and she will summon them each twice.
Detonating Lasher - these mobs cleave and detonate on death so melee beware.
Elemental Adds - Ancient Water Spirit, Storm Lasher and Snaplasher must all die within 12 seconds of each other or they will revive.
Ancient Conservator - this must be tanked under a healthy spore or players will be silenced. 
Freya will become attackable after these six waves of adds have been defeated.  Other things to look out for are to move away from Sunbeam, prioritise killing Eonar's gift (tree) as it will heal Freya and her allies, and if you get Natures Bomb move away from the raid (10 yards).

Boss 11: Mimiron
Mimiron is a brilliant inventor who has created some of the most advanced mechanisms in Azeroth but now under the influence of Loken only makes war machines.  In this fight you must defeat his machine Leviathan MKII.  To get to the workshop you need to take the tram which is a nice ride.  
Phase 1 you attack the base of the machine Leviathan MKII, Tanks use cooldown for Plasma Blast, melee move away (15 yards) from Shock Blast, all avoid walking on Proximity Mines.
Phase 2 you attack the middle part of the machine VX-001.  Move away from Rocket Strike, avoid P2Wx2 Laser Barrage.
Phase 3 you attack the Aerial Command Unit which needs to be hit by ranged players, tanks taunt Assault Bot, meless kill other adds but avoid Bomb Bot when they die.  Assault Bot drops Magnestic Core which when used under the boss can bring the ACU to the ground.
Phase 4 you attack the whole machine, ranged attacked middle and top, melee bottom.  Avoid all attacks from phase 1-3 as before.  All three sections need to die within 10 seconds of each other or they will heal back to 50%.

To be Continued.... (Ulduar Timewalking: Part #4)

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