
December 17, 2018

War of Thorns: Part #2 - Alliance

The next week brought the second chapter of the pre-patch story.  For the alliance this started with a new quest which pops up when you arrive at Rut'theran Village.

Captain Delaryn Summermoon "That sound...could it be...? Shan'do!  The Horde is approaching from the North!"
Malfurion Stormrage "The north?  How did... oh, they scaled the mountains of Felwood.  The wisps... they're growing disoriented!  The wall is failing!"

The Horde scaled the mountains of Felwood to the North.  The wisp wall is failing, it is only a matter of time before the Horde breaks through.  They will attack us from both sides (1).  Fly to Lor'danel and find Malfurion.
Malfurion tells you to protect Lor'danel by taking out the Horde forces (2).  The speed of the Horde attack gave citizens here little time to flee, many are hiding in Lor'danel.  Malfurion wants you to locate them and send them to safety (3).

Two of the Horde's strongest warriors have led a charge to try and capture our fleet.  We cannot allow it, if they take our ships, they will use them to sail to Darnassus!  You must eliminate the two warriors leading the charge, then the rest of them will give up the fight (4).  Gormok Axefall and Ragash Bloodwish are on or near the beach just south of Lor'danel.  Once they are defeated Captain Delaryn Summermoon thanks you for saving many lives but she fears the Horde will not stop.

Lor'danel is overrun, there is nothing we can do.  Find Malfurion, he is just south of Lor'danel just off the road fighting Sylvanas (5).  You go south to find Malfurion.  He is in a battle with Sylvanas and as you arrive so does High Overlord Saurfang.
Saurfang "The warchief faces Stormrage alone!  I must... "  He attacks Malfurion from behind.
Malfurion "ARGH!  Saur...fang?!"
Sylvanas notices your presence "An audience--perfect!  Stay still, Alliance dog.  Watch me strike down one of your greatest heroes!"
Saurfang regrets his attack "A dishonorable blow.  I... regret it."
Sylvanas "Regret nothing.  You did well."
Saurfang "It was not my place to interfere."
Sylvanas "My victory was inevitable.  He was merely wasting my time.  Finish him and be done with it.  Take a moment, if you like...then take his head.  Meet me at the World Tree."
Malfurion "You have led... your Horde... in service... of death.  You will... regret this day... "
Tyrande arrives. "No!  You did not kill him, orc.  Why?"
Saurfang "I struck without honor.  I did not deserve to end him."
Tyrande "This entire war is without honor.  How dare you spill so much innocent blood... for nothing!"
Saurfang "Not for nothing.  We spill blood so that the Horde will endure."
Tyrande "Because you spared Malfurion, I will offer you a choice.  Attempt to stop me from taking him away, and die... or remain there, kneeling in the dirt, and live."
Saurfang "You have a choice as well.  Take him to Darnassus and both of you will fall when we conquer it... or flee somewhere far from here, so that you both survive."
Tyrande "This war is lost.  Teldrassil will soon fall.  Take my hippogryph to Darnassus.  Ensure that the Horde's occupation is as... tolerable as it can be.  King Anduin gave me a hearthstone back to Stormwind.  There I will tend my love's wounds... and help my people find respite from this madness."

Take Tyrande's hippogryph and meet with Mia Greymane, Queen of Gilneas, at the Temple of the Moon in Darnassus.
Darnassus is Burning
Mia Greymane needs your help to evacuate the citizens of Darnassus.  Many of the city's structures have already caught fire.  We need to douse the flames and rescue the trapped civilians within!  We must save as many lives as possible.

You get 3 minutes and have to try and rescue as many people as possible using a bucket of water to douse the flames.  The quest asks you to rescue 982 Darnassian Citizens in your three minutes but this is not actually possible reflecting the true magnitude of the task of the evacuation (6).  It was impossible to save everyone you just have to do the best you can.  After three minutes I had saved less than 100 people and was overcome by smoke.  The fire is too intense, you need to escape.  You appear back at the Temple of the Moon, use the portal to Stormwind (7).

You return to Anduin Wrynn in Stormwind Keep
Anduin "I... am at a loss for words.  You have shown courage and heart, champion.  On this, on this one of the Alliance's darkest days.  My whole life, I have prayed for peace in this world.  But that dream can never be realized so long as Sylvanas Windrunner leads the Horde.  She expects this atrocity to crush our spirits, shatter our unity, but this I vow...  The Alliance will endure... and the Banshee Queen's insidious reign will be ended."

Completion of the quest chain will reward the Smoldering Reins of the Teldrassil Hippogryth
One of the last of the great armored hippogryphs to escape the burning of Teldrassil, it carried the last few citizens it could to safety before collapsing of exhaustion.

If you now take the portal to Darnassus from Dalaran you arrive at Mist's Edge in Darkshore and across the water you can see the burning Great World Tree.

Quest List
1- A Threat from the North - find Malfurion Stormrage in Lor'danel.
2- Defending Lor'danel - take out Horde forces in Lor'danel.
3- Rescue Effort - rescue 8 Lor'danel citizens.
4- Action this Day - eliminate Gormok Axefall and Ragash Bloodwish. 
5- The Guidance of our Shan'do - find Malfurian Stormrage in Darkshore.
6- A Flicker of Hope - evacuate the citizens of Darnassus.
7- From the Ashes - use the portal to Stormwind.

See upcoming post...(War of Thorns: Part #1 - Horde)

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